Vascular Societal Support of the SVS VQI

Quality improvement is a core mission of vascular professional societies. The vascular societies listed below have endorsed the SVS VQI as an ideal quality improvement initiative. They join the SVS in recommending participation by their members and encouraging the development of regional quality groups to implement specific quality improvement projects. Each endorsing society selects a current SVS PSO Governing Council member from their geographic region to serve as a liaison for optimal communication between the society and the SVS PSO.
Endorsing Societies:
- American Venous Forum (VQI Partner)
- Canadian Society for Vascular Surgery
- Eastern Vascular Society
- Florida Vascular Society
- Georgia Vascular Society
- Michigan Vascular Society
- Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society
- New England Society for Vascular Surgery
- New York Society for Vascular Surgery
- Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society
- Rocky Mountain Vascular Society
- Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery
- Society for Vascular Medicine (VQI Partner)
- Society for Vascular Ultrasound (VQI Partner)
- Southern Association for Vascular Surgery
- Southern California Vascular Surgical Society
- Vascular Access Society of the Americas (VQI Partner)
- Western Vascular Society